hi all.
i found this script on google. not sure where from.
what am trying to do is get the MAC code of an adapter called "Ethernet adapter Ethernet" and have this replace the "textdata" section.
anyone got any ideas on how to achieve this. I already can grab the MAC into Clipboard using a windows .BAT script, which the guys from Dostips helped me to build.
please help?
many thanks
i found this script on google. not sure where from.
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.load "settings.xml"
'Locate the desired node
'Note the use of XPATH instead of looping over all the child nodes
Set nNode = xmlDoc.selectsinglenode ("//dataroot/address/helpers")
'Set the node text with the new value
nNode.text = "textdata"
'Save the xml document with the new settings.
strResult = xmldoc.save("settings.xml")
anyone got any ideas on how to achieve this. I already can grab the MAC into Clipboard using a windows .BAT script, which the guys from Dostips helped me to build.
please help?
many thanks