So work gave me a project. I'm a novice programmer at best (just enough to pass the two Java Programming courses required by my degree), and I'm more of a hardware and troubleshooting guy. So I'm here asking for some assistance.. bacon needs saving here... I'm trying to edit this XML File, specifically the tags /accounts/a0/name and /accounts/a0/jid.
I need to edit the text of /accounts/a0/name to be the username currently logged onto the windows machine, and the text of /accounts/a0/jid to read <username> I need the script to make these changes, then reach out and start an executable in the program files. This is what I have so far.
I've not had luck with code to set the text, and everything I have tried to save the file ends up with a blank file. I would appriciate any assistance you could offer.
Thank You!
<!DOCTYPE accounts>
<accounts version="0.14" xmlns="">
<override-certificate type="QByteArray">
<override-domain type="QString">
<use type="bool">false</use>
<authid type="QString">
<realm type="QString">
<log type="bool">true</log>
<use-host type="bool">false</use-host>
<stun-port type="QString">3478</stun-port>
<security-level type="int">0</security-level>
<port type="int">5222</port>
<ignore-SSL-warnings type="bool">false</ignore-SSL-warnings>
<keep-alive type="bool">true</keep-alive>
<connect-after-sleep type="bool">true</connect-after-sleep>
<pgp-secret-key-id type="QString">
<name type="QString">Default</name>
<ssl type="QString">auto</ssl>
<reconn type="bool">true</reconn>
<proxy-id type="QString">
<bytestreams-proxy type="QString">
<priority type="int">5</priority>
<jid type="QString"></jid>
<resource type="QString">Psi</resource>
<password type="QString">
<compress type="bool">false</compress>
<automatic-resource type="bool">true</automatic-resource>
<legacy-ssl-probe type="bool">true</legacy-ssl-probe>
<require-mutual-auth type="bool">false</require-mutual-auth>
<enabled type="bool">true</enabled>
<auto type="bool">true</auto>
<allow-plain type="QString">over encryped</allow-plain>
<stun-host type="QString">
<host type="QString">
Dim strPsiUser
Set oWshShell = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
strPsiUser = oWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings ("%UserName%")
Set xmlDoc = _
xmlDoc.Async = "False"
xmlDoc.Load("C:\My Documents\accounts.xml")
xmlDoc.Save "C:\My Documents\accounts.xml"
Thank You!