I need a simple Perl script that gets two input values and save them in a text file on the host machine. I'm using WebBrowser to make the call to a Perl script as you see in the sample code below. MyPerl.pl is the Perl script to read these two values and save them in a text file.
WebBrowser1.Document.write "<html>"
WebBrowser1.Document.write "<body>"
WebBrowser1.Document.write "<form action='http://www.mywebsite.com/cgi-bin/MyPerl.pl' method='get'>"
WebBrowser1.Document.write "<input type='text' name='value1' value='123.456.789.123'><br>"
WebBrowser1.Document.write "<input type='text' name='balue2' value='9999'><br>"
WebBrowser1.Document.write "<input type='submit' value='Submit'>"
WebBrowser1.Document.write "</form>"
WebBrowser1.Document.write "</body>"
WebBrowser1.Document.write "</html>"